Friday, 15 August 2008

August 2m Activity Contest

This contest takes place on the first Tuesday of each month from 2000 to 2230 Clock time. If you are new to contesting then give it a go as it's a lot more friendly than most events. Listen around 144.300 SSB. The exchange is (genuine) signal report, serial number and 6-figure grid square.

I sometimes operate portable, but the weather was bad so stayed at home. Just before the contest my 25W linear started playing up so had to run my bare back 817 with just 5W. Conditons were poor so spent the first two hours working local stuff and clocking up a miserable score.

I did work G4DEZ, Brin in Lincolnshire (JO03) , but just after my computer froze and I lost the report and I had to go back and ask for a repeat. Brin is one of the 'big guns' in this contest, but he very kindly broke off and helped me out.

Just after 10pm the band opened a bit and I worked 4 multipliers in 15 minutes that gave me a respectable score. Never give up on 2m is the moral of this tale.


Saturday, 2 August 2008

IOTA Contest

Unfortunately, I missed the IOTA contest this year as I had a wedding in Manchester that day. I did toy with the idea of taking a rig along and doing a couple of hours portable operation but decided it was better to spend my time with seldom-seen relatives and friends.

Prior to being invited to the wedding, I had started planning a light-weight operation in Iceland. Perhaps 2009? If you are interested in joining me then get in touch.

