Sunday, 31 March 2024

SDR Web Receiver

 I am currently experimenting with putting my own SDR receiver online for others to use. This post will be updated as things progress. 

Sorry, I can't do 24x7 operation as I need my computer, radios and antennas for other things. I usually shut down around midnight (Local). 

I am currently using my RTL-SDR v4. This has HF capability but my antenna setup is currently limited so I am use a VHF/UHF Discone in my loft. Not great, but the best I can do for now. Actually, although the antenna is VHF/UHF I was surprised I can receive strong signals on HF as well, particularly the higher bands. I suspect the antenna is acting as an open circuit at these frequencies and the feeder cable is behaving as a short vertical. 

Unfortunately, my ISP won't give me a static IP address so this is liable to change. Here's how you find me. 

  • Go to . 
  • Search for M0BGR. 
  • If I am online you will see my IP address and port (usually 5555). 
  • Copy these to your favourite SDR programme and start. 
  • Don't worry if my status shows 'Unreachable' - try anyway as the Airspy server is a bit flaky.

There is an SDR programme for iPhone - MagicSDR which works tolerably well. 

Here are a few frequencies you might like to try:

89 MHz to 107 MHz FM broadcast stations - lots on London, including a few pirates particularly at weekends. Above 100 MHz is mostly local stations. 96.5 MHz is my really local Maritime FM but the signal is a bit noisy here so up the gain if your programme allows this.

145.0 MHz -145.8 MHz  Amateur 2m FM. 145.5 MHz is the calling channel. 145.6875 MHz is the GB3XP repeater.